Source code for plismbench.utils.evaluate

"""Utility functions for metrics evaluation."""

import itertools
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

NUM_TILES_PER_SLIDE: int = 16_278
NUM_SLIDES: int = 91

[docs] def get_tiles_subset_idx(n_tiles: int) -> np.ndarray: """Get tiles subset from the original 16_278.""" if n_tiles == NUM_TILES_PER_SLIDE: tiles_subset_idx = np.arange(0, NUM_TILES_PER_SLIDE) else: tiles_subset_idx = np.load( Path(__file__).parents[2] / "assets" / f"tiles_subset_{n_tiles}.npy" ) assert len(set(tiles_subset_idx)) == n_tiles return tiles_subset_idx
[docs] @lru_cache() def load_features(fpath: Path) -> np.ndarray: """Load features from path using caching and convert to float32.""" feats = np.load(fpath) return feats.astype(np.float32) # will be converted to float16 later on !
[docs] def prepare_features_dataframe(features_dir: Path, extractor: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Prepare unique WSI features dataframe with features paths and metadata.""" # Get {slide_id: features paths} dictionary features_paths = { fp: for fp in (features_dir / extractor).glob("*/features.npy") if "_to_GMH_S60.tif" in str(fp) } # Prepare list of slide names, staining, and scanner directly slide_data = [] for features_path, slide_name in features_paths.items(): staining, scanner = slide_name.split("_")[:2] slide_data.append([slide_name, features_path, staining, scanner]) # Build output dataset slide_features = pd.DataFrame( slide_data, columns=["slide", "features_path", "staining", "scanner"] ) return slide_features
[docs] def prepare_pairs_dataframe(features_dir: Path, extractor: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Prepare all pairs dataframe with features paths and metadata.""" slide_features = prepare_features_dataframe( features_dir=features_dir, extractor=extractor ) assert slide_features.shape == ( NUM_SLIDES, 4, ), "Slide features dataframe should be of shape (91, 4)." pairs = slide_features.merge(slide_features, how="cross", suffixes=("_a", "_b")) pairs.set_index(pairs["slide_a"] + "---" + pairs["slide_b"], inplace=True) unique_pairs = [ "---".join([a, b]) for (a, b) in set(itertools.combinations(slide_features["slide"], 2)) ] pairs = ( pairs.loc[unique_pairs] .sort_values(["features_path_a", "features_path_b"]) .reset_index(drop=True) ) assert pairs.shape[0] == int(NUM_SLIDES * (NUM_SLIDES - 1) / 2), ( "There should be 4,095 unique pairs of slides." ) return pairs