Reproduction instructions

Heterogeneity plots

Most plots from the article can be reproduced using the following commands after having downloaded the corresponding datasets:

cd flamby/datasets/fed_tcga_brca

In order to exactly reproduce the plot in the article, one needs to first deactivate color constancy normalization when preprocessing the dataset (change cc to False in while following download and preprocessing instructions (in Fed-ISIC 2019). Hence one might have to download the dataset a second time, if it was already downloaded, and therefore to potentially update dataset_location.yaml files accordingly.

cd flamby/datasets/fed_isic2019
  • Fed-IXI

    cd flamby/datasets/fed_ixi
  • Fed-KiTS19

    cd flamby/datasets/fed_kits19/dataset_creation_scripts
  • Fed-Heart Disease

    cd flamby/datasets/fed_heart_disease
  • Fed-Camelyon16

First concatenate as many 224x224 image patches extracted from regions on the slides containing matter from Hospital 0 and Hospital 1 (see what is done in the tiling script to collect image patches) as can be fit in the RAM. Then compute both histograms per-color-channel using 256 equally sized bins with the np.histogram function with density=True. Then save the results respectively as: histogram_0.npy, histogram_1.npy and bins_0.npy. Once this is done run in the current directory:

cp -t flamby/datasets/fed_camelyon16 histograms_{0, 1}.npy bins_0.npy
cd flamby/datasets/fed_camelyon16

Results plots

The results are stored in flamby/results in corresponding subfolders results_benchmark_fed_dataset for each dataset. These results can be plotted using:


which produces the plot found at the end of the main article.

In order to re-run each of the benchmark on your machine, first download the dataset you are interested in (be mindful that you might have to specify another option to pip install -e to install additional requirements if you had chosen a lightweight installation). and then run the following command replacing config_dataset.json by one of the listed config files (config_camelyon16.json, config_heart_disease.json, config_isic2019.json, config_ixi.json, config_kits19.json, config_lidc_idri.json, config_tcga_brca.json):

cd flamby/benchmarks
python --seed 42 -cfp ../config_dataset.json
python --seed 43 -cfp ../config_dataset.json
python --seed 44 -cfp ../config_dataset.json
python --seed 45 -cfp ../config_dataset.json
python --seed 46 -cfp ../config_dataset.json

The config lists all hyperparameters used for each FL strategy. Note that this can be excessively long for some datasets.

We have observed that results vary from machine to machine and are sensitive to GPU randomness. However you should be able to reproduce the results up to some variance and results on the same machine should be perfecty reproducible. Please open an issue if it is not the case. The script allows to go from a results file to a To fo further into reproducibility you can try the Containerized execution section.

Note that the communication budget in terms of rounds might be insufficient for full convergence of the model. A quick fix would be simply to use more rounds, (see the Quickstart section to learn how to change parameters). Otherwise try different parameters such as learning rates ! All strategy-specific HP can be found in the FL Strategies API doc.

More involved modifications such as using learning rate schedulers might be needed to obtain optimal results but it would require to slightly modify the strategy code.