Source code for flamby.strategies.fed_avg

import time
from typing import List

import torch
from tqdm import tqdm

from flamby.strategies.utils import DataLoaderWithMemory, _Model

[docs] class FedAvg: """Federated Averaging Strategy class. The Federated Averaging strategy is the most simple centralized FL strategy. Each client first trains his version of a global model locally on its data, the states of the model of each client are then weighted-averaged and returned to each client for further training. References ---------- - Parameters ---------- training_dataloaders : List The list of training dataloaders from multiple training centers. model : torch.nn.Module An initialized torch model. loss : torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss The loss to minimize between the predictions of the model and the ground truth. optimizer_class : torch.optim.Optimizer The class of the torch model optimizer to use at each step. learning_rate : float The learning rate to be given to the optimizer_class. num_updates : int The number of updates to do on each client at each round. nrounds : int The number of communication rounds to do. dp_target_epsilon: float The target epsilon for (epsilon, delta)-differential private guarantee. Defaults to None. dp_target_delta: float The target delta for (epsilon, delta)-differential private guarantee. Defaults to None. dp_max_grad_norm: float The maximum L2 norm of per-sample gradients; used to enforce differential privacy. Defaults to None. log: bool, optional Whether or not to store logs in tensorboard. Defaults to False. log_period: int, optional If log is True then log the loss every log_period batch updates. Defauts to 100. bits_counting_function : Union[callable, None], optional A function making sure exchanges respect the rules, this function can be obtained by decorating check_exchange_compliance in flamby.utils. Should have the signature List[Tensor] -> int. Defaults to None. logdir: str, optional Where logs are stored. Defaults to ./runs. log_basename: str, optional The basename of the created log_file. Defaults to fed_avg. """ def __init__( self, training_dataloaders: List, model: torch.nn.Module, loss: torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss, optimizer_class: torch.optim.Optimizer, learning_rate: float, num_updates: int, nrounds: int, dp_target_epsilon: float = None, dp_target_delta: float = None, dp_max_grad_norm: float = None, log: bool = False, log_period: int = 100, bits_counting_function: callable = None, logdir: str = "./runs", log_basename: str = "fed_avg", seed=None, ): """ Cf class docstring """ self._seed = seed if seed is not None else int(time.time()) self.training_dataloaders_with_memory = [ DataLoaderWithMemory(e) for e in training_dataloaders ] self.training_sizes = [len(e) for e in self.training_dataloaders_with_memory] self.total_number_of_samples = sum(self.training_sizes) self.dp_target_epsilon = dp_target_epsilon self.dp_target_delta = dp_target_delta self.dp_max_grad_norm = dp_max_grad_norm self.log = log self.log_period = log_period self.log_basename = log_basename self.logdir = logdir self.models_list = [ _Model( model=model, optimizer_class=optimizer_class, lr=learning_rate, train_dl=_train_dl, dp_target_epsilon=self.dp_target_epsilon, dp_target_delta=self.dp_target_delta, dp_max_grad_norm=self.dp_max_grad_norm, loss=loss, nrounds=nrounds, log=self.log, client_id=i, log_period=self.log_period, log_basename=self.log_basename, logdir=self.logdir, seed=self._seed, ) for i, _train_dl in enumerate(training_dataloaders) ] self.nrounds = nrounds self.num_updates = num_updates self.num_clients = len(self.training_sizes) self.bits_counting_function = bits_counting_function def _local_optimization(self, _model: _Model, dataloader_with_memory): """Carry out the local optimization step. Parameters ---------- _model: _Model The model on the local device used by the optimization step. dataloader_with_memory : dataloaderwithmemory A dataloader that can be called infinitely using its get_samples() method. """ _model._local_train(dataloader_with_memory, self.num_updates)
[docs] def perform_round(self): """Does a single federated averaging round. The following steps will be performed: - each model will be trained locally for num_updates batches. - the parameter updates will be collected and averaged. Averages will be weighted by the number of samples in each client - the averaged updates willl be used to update the local model """ local_updates = list() for _model, dataloader_with_memory, size in zip( self.models_list, self.training_dataloaders_with_memory, self.training_sizes ): # Local Optimization _local_previous_state = _model._get_current_params() self._local_optimization(_model, dataloader_with_memory) _local_next_state = _model._get_current_params() # Recovering updates updates = [ new - old for new, old in zip(_local_next_state, _local_previous_state) ] del _local_next_state # Reset local model for p_new, p_old in zip(_model.model.parameters(), _local_previous_state): = torch.from_numpy(p_old).to(p_new.device) del _local_previous_state if self.bits_counting_function is not None: self.bits_counting_function(updates) local_updates.append({"updates": updates, "n_samples": size}) # Aggregation step aggregated_delta_weights = [ None for _ in range(len(local_updates[0]["updates"])) ] for idx_weight in range(len(local_updates[0]["updates"])): aggregated_delta_weights[idx_weight] = sum([ local_updates[idx_client]["updates"][idx_weight] * local_updates[idx_client]["n_samples"] for idx_client in range(self.num_clients) ]) aggregated_delta_weights[idx_weight] /= float(self.total_number_of_samples) # Update models for _model in self.models_list: _model._update_params(aggregated_delta_weights)
[docs] def run(self): """This method performs self.nrounds rounds of averaging and returns the list of models. """ for _ in tqdm(range(self.nrounds)): self.perform_round() return [m.model for m in self.models_list]